For the life of me I cannot figure out why educating children on how to eat right, isn't one of the MOST important school subjects ...
Its no wonder 75% of population has a weight problem.
90% of us eat poorly atleast half the time (mysef included).
Why doesn't the school curriculum include a class EVERY year in health and eating?
Social Studies
Where the hell is eating on the list? We all need to eat above everything else.
This should be the #1 subject annually from 6th grade to 12th grade!
I guarantee you if we all had 6 years of learning how to eat and what foods do what to us, a very good percentage of the overweight and undernourished would be much much better off.
I will be the first to admit I will eat just about anything I see....I don't have a weight problem but certainly would have wished to have been educated on what exactly some of this crap I eat could be doing to me.
End of rant.:thumbsup2:
Its no wonder 75% of population has a weight problem.
90% of us eat poorly atleast half the time (mysef included).
Why doesn't the school curriculum include a class EVERY year in health and eating?
Social Studies
Where the hell is eating on the list? We all need to eat above everything else.
This should be the #1 subject annually from 6th grade to 12th grade!
I guarantee you if we all had 6 years of learning how to eat and what foods do what to us, a very good percentage of the overweight and undernourished would be much much better off.
I will be the first to admit I will eat just about anything I see....I don't have a weight problem but certainly would have wished to have been educated on what exactly some of this crap I eat could be doing to me.
End of rant.:thumbsup2: